The Mustaches of Scoundrels

I’ve got a five visual poems from the ‘Classic Crimes’ series in the new Seneca Review. These were accepted last year and it’s great to see them out. I got to see them in the issue, my mother having forwarded one I had sent to her house. Generally when a print magazine sends me a copy in Germany I end up paying customs on it, so not to seem ungrateful but I ask that no one do it anymore.

I like the batch Seneca took! The poems are: Without Speaking, Side-Wisps(pictured), I Shook My Head, To Be Deplored and Spell. They’ll go up in color online. In the print issue they are in b/w, which I thought they might not come off well. But they look fine.

(I’ve always wondered, on that note, what Hotel Almighty looks like on Kindle. I realized well after publication that it’s all in b/w.)

I put them all up on Instagram over the past few days if you visit there. If you don’t mind the explosion of ads. If they are ads? It seems more like being force-fed cat and baby videos.

There are two other poems from the ‘Classic Crimes’ series in Surging Tide: Fetch a Doctor and I Bow My Head, But on One Condition.

I title poems in this series with text from the obscured passages. Sometimes this is a challenge and other times the somewhat old-timey prose of  the book is an advantage when choosing a title.

Elsewhere, I’ve got a little box collage poem in Annulet, called Lake Effect.

Back to Spain for 11 days tomorrow. I hope to make the best of the time and decided on a doable reading program, and a daily collage. After work.

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