
My writing, collage and visual poetry have appeared online and in print, in publications such as Hayden’s Ferry Review, West Branch and Beloit Poetry Journal. If you’re interested in a chapbook or a visual poetry print please drop me a line.

Book & Chapbooks

Hotel Almighty
Sarabande Books

In the Voice of a Minor Saint
Published by Tilt 2009; republished online by Double Back

Excuse me while I wring this long swim out of my hair
Dancing Girl Press 2011

Hyacinth Girl Press 2012 (out of print)

Dancing Girl Press 2013

Heiress to a Small Ruin
Dancing Girl Press 2016

*Please contact me rather than the press if you are interested in a chapbook.


Tupelo Quarterly interview with Victoria Chang 
Pills, Snow, and Typewriters 

Indianapolis Review interview with Kelcey Parker Ervick 
All Things Visual Poetry

Neonpajamas interview with Benjamin Niespodziany
X-acto Knives, Tonic, & Lime

Reviews of Hotel Almighty

“Sloat’s visual compositions occur on three or four levels at once, as she aligns the forms of the source text, the verbal text, the collage, & the collection. I believe this multi-level resonance sets new parameters for poetry. With her flexibility with syntax and fluid subjects, Sloat forges new insights that call us to question the way we relate to what confines us, & to re-set the limits of a poem. I’ve loved reading & re-reading Hotel Almighty.”
Katy Didden in Diagram

“Sloat’s work testifies to the strangeness of existence, how we are caught between stations of repose & upheaval. An anxious energy presses into these pages, the buzz of becoming intruding upon our desire for calm in both dynamic & understated ways. Sloat calls our attention to the thresholds we cross—and the ones we lie down across: ‘darkness prologued / darkness /the sleeper wakes / only /to /lapse into /flowers.'”
Aarik Danielsen in The Curator

“In Sloat’s peculiar genius, in Hotel Almighty, she sets out to prove that there is ‘more than one way to chase away misery’ & she has done it by crafting beautifully rendered poems and collages that remind the reader just how astonishing life (and art) can be.”
Kelly Fordon in New York Journal of Books

“The poems in Hotel Almighty are every bit as image rich as the collages and ephemera that surround them. Part of the joy in this collection lies in its beauty of innovation, but also in how the fragments of erased lines create their own perfect narrative.”
Amanda Auchter in The Indianapolis Review