good news

I’m overjoyed to say that Sarabande Books will publish a collection of my visual poems next summer (2020), all Misery poems. In my mid-50s I’ll be a debut author. I’ve been toiling away at these poems for going on three years and it’s been a constant surprise. I love the textures of it, the possibilities.

Publication is a ways off so I’ve been delaying saying anything about it. But I’ve begun mentioning it in my bio when I have a piece published, so rather than live in fear that someone will read my bio, we announced it.

I don’t have a title yet. This needs to be decided soon so I can design the cover, which is kind of exciting. Visual poetry in general is exciting. I love doing it. I hope to learn many new things. I’m in Frankfurt taking a collage class this week, case in point.

If you’d asked me three years ago whether I’d be pursuing found poetry now I would have said I highly doubt it. If you’d asked me whether I’d be doing visual poetry I’d have asked you what that is.

I’m on my fourth Misery paperback and my finger is hovering above the Buy button on another. Maybe I’ll hold out! I still have a number of pieces to finish up and a few that need to be redone for various reasons. Looking forward to it.

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