Merciful fog


I’m off in the Austrian Alps for a couple weeks on vacation. It’s beautiful. Before I left a number of people asked ‘where do you go on vacation when you live in paradise?’ I know Barcelona has a lot going for it but I am much more a mountain than a sea person. And any city eventually leaves you begging for a break. In the Alps, even when the slopes are slurried in cloud it looks like heaven. We rented a house in a quiet area with views in every direction. I wouldn’t call it a village, there are so few homes around. This morning there’s a thick fog that lets only the outline of trees and mountaintop show through, and it’s a mercy.

I’ve been reading Jeff Vandermeer’s “Borne,” but otherwise packed a pile of books I haven’t touched. With departure set for Friday, it doesn’t look like it’s going to happen. Though I’ve left work-work behind, I’m trying to write an introduction for my book in the form of an artist’s statement. Help! And I’m trying to design the cover. It’s wonderful that I get to do it myself. I do hope it turns out alright.

In publication news, ctrl + v, a journal of collage, published two of my visual poetry pieces earlier this week: Sheet Music and Astonishment.  For the most part, I consider collage with text incorporated in it to be ‘visual poetry,’ though I wonder if even that is necessary. With Sheet Music, posted here, you can see one of the things I’ve done with the cache of old library book cards I harvested earlier this year.

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3 thoughts on “Merciful fog”

  1. Hi Drew –
    Yes, I have a book of visual poetry coming out next summer! The press is Sarabande Books. I’ve overjoyed.
    I’m putting it together now, trying to find a good order and write an intro and design the cover. On top of my day job….
    Thanks for asking.

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