From the isolation files

I don’t think there’s a person not wondering how to live in a worthwhile way at this time. How to live and not just wait. How to live and not just worry. I don’t think you can not not wait and you can not not worry. But you can do other things too. You can doodle. You can practice your handwriting. You can tell the truth. I read something the other day that said even five minutes of exercise is better than no exercise. So I exercise.

I’m doing my best to wring another found poem out of Sleepless Night but it is hard going. I’ve also been trying to put together a collage or embroidery for a poem I have finished from Sleepless Night, but the poem is a sensitive thing.

I can only hope the effort will eventually yield something good. In the meantime, thanks to previous sometimes difficult efforts, I’ve got some new visual poems out:

Petrichor has published Tasmanian Devil (pictured) and Let Us Lay Aside Every Weight, two collages with clips of text, and Tinderbox took three found poems sourced from Banana Yoshimoto’s Kitchen.

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